Friday, 13 July 2012

My new one day course on Iconography and Iconology is now available at the Bishopsgate Institute: 25-08-12

Iconography and Iconology: Secrets of Old Masters Revealed

Bronzino (Allegory of Venus and Cupid, 1540-50) National Gallery

Ever wondered whether there’s a hidden meaning behind paintings, in this course we’ll discover why signs and symbols are in paintings, and reveal how to find and interpret their meanings in paintings from medieval to Baroque and beyond.

This course will give the tools to crack the hidden codes behind paintings in any art gallery and indentify the seemingly mysterious figures in these great works of art. 

This one day intensive course aims to look at the stories, which are often re-told in secular and religious painting mostly Italian Renaissance painting around, 1400-1600.  Most often the stories came from antique literary sources, which had survived through the middle ages and were the preserve of the rich and cultured.

We recognise the stories told by interpreting, signs and symbols, also known as the Iconography and Iconology, as well as recognising ‘types’ in the paining.  Why were these subjects so popular? Were paintings merely illustrations of the text or did they carry some deeper meaning? How did artists such as Botticelli, Pintoricchio, Titian and Tintoretto approach these subjects?  From mythology to religious art, all will be revealed in this course.

Course suitable for all
with Leslie Primo
16 students maximum
£45 /£34 conc. for 1 sessions
Saturday 10.30pm – 5.30pm
25 August 2012
Bishopsgate Institute

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